Our Schools

High School

In their current prospectus the high school roll is given at 645 pupils, up from 616 in 2018. The Scottish Government does not produce league tables, but The Times ranked McLaren High School within the top 5% of Scottish secondary schools in 2021

Callander Primary School

Stirling Council were successful in applying for funding for a new primary school in Callander in December 2020.

We know that school is currently close to capacity and that the condition of the building was rated at C when it was assessed by consultants in 2018. Specialist Consultants then appraised 5 options for the Primary School and recommended a new primary school should be built on land to the rear of the high school. The estimated build costs were put at £12,444,040 at 2019 prices. This price excluded VAT and land purchase costs but included the cost of relocating the 3G pitch.

The recommended site was the most expensive of 3 shortlisted options but will provide an excellent range of facilities for pupils and include some community facilities. This proposal accords with the community’s preferred option of establishing an integrated learning hub on the McLaren campus.

UPDATE – Construction is scheduled to start in 2022 with completion in 2025.

Nursery school

Following the successful relocation of the nursery school to purpose-built premises within the High School campus the nursery now offers provision for 48 3-4 years olds along with 10 places for 2-year-olds.