Placecheck Feedback

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the placecheck map. 105 people made suggestions and there were 273 indications of support (or not). I’ve tallied all the comments up and have 2 sets of results to share with everyone.

The first set looks at suggestions that attracted the most support from contributors. A top ten list of suggestions that fall clearly within the scope of the Local Place Plan. I have identified supporting policies for each suggestion as evidence of the validity of the requests. These will be carried forward (unweighted) to the final Place Plan vote.

The second list looks at suggestions that fall within Stirling Council’s remit – things like crossings, maintenance of the areas they own, car parking and infrastructure such as paths and pavements. I will send this second list to the Community Council to forward to Stirling Council on the community’s behalf.

Please remember to take part in the Place Standard survey if you haven’t done so already.

The Place Standard carries significant weight with the Park – in other words they can’t ignore it! It closes on February 28th, but I might extend the deadline if the consultant carrying out the revised Callander South Masterplan includes significant changes to existing policies.

Thank you all again. It is heartening to know that people are willing to give up their time to make carefully considered suggestions for our town’s future.

Placecheck – significant suggestions to go forward in LPP consultations

  • Assorted routes: New paths/Cycle routes
Where Who is responsible Support Supporting Policies

Zones 1,3,6

LLTTNP, Sustrans, SC


NPF4. SG Active Travel Framework

  • River Teith: Pedestrian bridge and new paths along south bank
Where Who is responsible Support Supporting Policies

Zone 6

LLTTNP, Sustrans, SC


20-minute neighbourhoods. NPF4

  • Creep path: Unsuitable/unsafe/inaccessible for frail and disabled people. The design of the creep does not conform to the standards of an all-ability path.
Where Who is responsible Support Supporting Policies

Zone 3



Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 – Core Paths. NPA Visitor experience Policy 1 (a)

  • Coilhallan Woods: Better Maintenance / preserve as quiet space / safer entrance
Where Who is responsible Support Supporting Policies

Zone 2

FLS. LLTTNP. Callander Woodland Group


Scottish Outdoor Access Code/Community Empowerment Act

  • Bridgend: Speed bumps now dangerous/ better speed enforcement needed
Where Who is responsible Support Supporting Policies

Zones 3



Road Safety Framework to 2030

  • Meadows: Better Maintenance/’Green’ overflow carpark for new play area
Where Who is responsible Support Supporting Policies

Zone 1



Flood mitigation/Early Years Framework (2008)/PAN 65

  • East End/Stirling Road: No pavement/ Safe crossing needed/traffic calming
Where Who is responsible Support Supporting Policies

Zone 6

SC, Transport Scotland


Road Safety Framework to 2030

  • Mollands Farm: No development
Where Who is responsible Support Supporting Policies

Zone 3



Town & Country Planning (local Place Plans) (Scotland) regulations 2021

  • Drummond Estate fields: Community allotments
Where Who is responsible Support Supporting Policies

Zone 6



Community Empowerment Act

  • Eagle: Enforcement required
Where Who is responsible Support Supporting Policies

Zone 1



Building (Scotland) Act 2003. Planning Circular 10/2009: Planning Enforcement

  • Station Rd Carpark: Camper Van facility
Where Who is responsible Support Supporting Policies

Zone 1



Community Empowerment Act

Placecheck – comments for Stirling Council – not entirely covered in LPP remit

Where What
Stirling Road Reinstate bus shelter at Drummond Place
No hard surface pavement between Roslyn Cottage and Myrtle Inn. Transport Scotland domain.
Crossing needed at Robertson Drive. Transport Scotland domain
Speed control needed
Main St. A-boards impede wheelchair users
Eagle Enforcement needed. Dangerous building
Ancaster Sq. No parking (Bikers) on north square
Remove digital screen – not working
Church St (N&S)

Dangerous Parking (Vans unloading) obscures view of oncoming traffic

Creep (many comments on this) Unsafe, impassable for elderly and disabled. Not fit for purpose
High School Crossing needed
Safe route into school needed for pupils and parents (nursery has to use main gate)
Leny Rd Traffic calming needed after Tesco. Traffic speeding up after 20mph zone ends
Bridgend (many comments on this) Speed bumps disintegrating/dangerous. Traffic swerving to avoid speed bumps. More effective traffic signs (showing actual speed). Average speed cameras needed.
Keltie Bridge Foot/cycle path needs lighting and better drainage
Invertrossachs Rd Extend 20mph limit to include this road
Ancaster Rd Restrict parking to residents only.
Meadows Turn overflow carpark into green space/play area
Appalling maintenance/create open space for family activities
Create new ponds
A84 to Kilmahog Extend 30 mph zone beyond residences
Carparks Free, time limited, parking for residents
Old Graveyard Poorly maintained/eyesore/open to public
Bracklinn Rd carpark Should be reserved for WAV/disabled drivers only.
Craigs carpark Redirect cars to main carparks
Glenartney Rd carpark Drains blocked – carpark floods and is unusable
Path behind Craigard Rd Drains blocked, needs complete overhaul, ditched clogged
Coilhallan Woods Entrance needs to align with Creep. Crossing needed. Pavement opposite dangerously narrow. Buggies and wheelchair users cannot safely navigate.