Top 20 Areas for Improvement
This graph shows you the 20 areas for improvement in Callander that YOU most want to see addressed in the Local Place Plan.
All the individual comments from the Place Standard survey have been logged and categorised. There were 245 individual areas of concern from the 238 the residents who took part in the survey.
Some areas only received one comment while others were specified by over 50% of all participants. There are some clear areas of overlap – for example many of you mentioned the need to upgrade the Meadows playpark as well as the poor state of the Meadows themselves. The next job, then, is to consolidate all your comments so that the final survey pulls together all the issues into logical projects and actions. These will then be put to a public vote in the final survey.
Thank you again to everyone who took part. The Place Standard survey was not the easiest, or quickest, format to complete. The final survey will, I promise, be far more straightforward!